Managing Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP): Tips from a Specialist Women's Yoga Teacher

Managing Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP): Tips from a Specialist Women's Yoga Teacher

Pelvic girdle pain (PGP) affects many pregnant women and individuals recovering from pelvic injuries or surgeries. This condition manifests as discomfort in the pelvic area, including the hips, groin, and lower back, often making everyday movements challenging. As a 300-hour specialist women's yoga teacher and certified health & wellness coach, I understand the impact of PGP and offer practical tips to help manage and alleviate its symptoms effectively.

Understanding Pelvic Girdle Pain

PGP is a common issue characterised by pain and stiffness in the pelvic joints, exacerbated during pregnancy due to hormonal changes and increased weight. However, it can also affect individuals post-surgery or with previous injuries. Managing PGP involves a holistic approach that combines exercise, proper posture, and supportive techniques.

Expert Tips to Manage Pelvic Girdle Pain

Exercise for Strength and Flexibility: Engage in low-impact exercises such as swimming, yoga, and cycling to strengthen pelvic muscles and improve mobility. Avoid high-impact activities like running that may aggravate PGP.

  1. Support Belt Usage: Utilise a support belt to distribute the weight of the baby and reduce pressure on the pelvic area. Ensure it is worn correctly as per the manufacturer's instructions for optimal effectiveness.

  2. Maintain Good Posture: Practice good posture throughout the day to alleviate PGP symptoms. Avoid prolonged standing or sitting and focus on keeping your spine aligned when seated or standing.

  3. Avoid Asymmetrical Movements: Minimize activities that involve uneven weight distribution, such as carrying heavy bags on one side or crossing legs. Opt for symmetrical movements to reduce strain on the pelvic joints.

  4. Seek Physical Therapy: Consider consulting a physical therapist for tailored exercises and techniques to manage PGP effectively. They can provide personalized guidance on posture correction and movement strategies.

  5. Use Heat or Ice Therapy: Apply heat or ice packs to the affected area to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. Alternate between heat and ice therapy sessions for 10-15 minutes several times a day as needed.

  6. Prioritise Rest and Relaxation: Take breaks throughout the day to rest and relax, especially during periods of increased discomfort. Avoid activities that exacerbate PGP symptoms and prioritise self-care practices.

Katie’s Top Tips:

Watch my quick video on "Top Tips for Managing Pelvic Girdle Pain" to learn practical techniques for alleviating discomfort during pregnancy and recovery. These tips are designed to improve your mobility and comfort, allowing you to enjoy a more fulfilling pregnancy journey.

Having personally experienced the challenges of carrying twins, including crippling pelvic girdle pain and undergoing two abdominal surgeries, I understand firsthand the physical and mental toll it can take. This transformative period in my life inspired me to dedicate myself to supporting and empowering others facing similar challenges. My journey fueled my transformation into a 300HR Specialist Women’s Yoga Teacher, and now, I’m passionate about sharing effective strategies to enhance your well-being during pregnancy and beyond.

Personalising Your Experience:

As a certified health & wellness coach and Yogabellies Senior Teacher & Teacher Trainer, I've witnessed the transformative impact of these practices first hand. Each tip is rooted in evidence-based techniques and tailored to support your journey toward wellness and comfort.

Join Me in the KDB Energy Prenatal Wellness Program:

Stay tuned for updates on my upcoming KDB Energy Prenatal Wellness Programme, designed to empower pregnant women with holistic tools and practices for a healthy, balanced pregnancy.

Stay Connected:

Follow me on Instagram for more tips and updates on prenatal wellness. Let's navigate the journey of pregnancy together, promoting health, comfort, and vitality through yoga and mindfulness practices.

BONUS TIP (Still my personal favorite, even with my twins now six years old!): Improve your sleep comfort by placing a bolster or pillow between your knees. I recommend the bolster from Ekotex Yoga, available HERE

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Let’s Energise Your Pregnancy!

Katie x


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